Important of Quality Batting Cage Netting

Baseball is one of the famed sports around the world. It is played a lot by people to relish their time and have fun. Before trying your hands on the higher level matches, it is important to become familiar with the sport. For this, you require a lot of practice. Without proper practice, it is really difficult to be a good baseball player. 

During the practice, there are several important equipments that are required. Batting cage netting is one of the essential items that one requires to do practice in a professional way. Remember that you can be a good player for higher level only when you have familiar with its necessary things. For instance, many people do not use good quality of baseball bats, balls, nets and other requires tuff. They face problems while playing with the real players on the top tournaments. Therefore, it is better to do the practice on the right surface and never come across such types of issues. 

While practicing, make sure to install batting cage nets of superb quality that enhance your practice and improve your hidden talent. If you have small ground or garden near your house (back or front of the house), you can install a professional batting cage net for practicing. This would ensure that you do all the needed practice without any flux and do it consistently. Nets of America Inc also offers a wide range of batting cage nets at reasonable prices. Its wide range of batting cage nets are highly recommendable in the market. 

Remember that similar to other sports, baseball also requires a lot of practice to get perfection. This can only be possible with your hard work, a lot of efforts and good approach toward the victory. When you take the required steps to become a better player, it would help you to be a better baseball player and improve your overall image as well.

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Why do sports require netting?

Could you imagine sports without netting? Think of the mayhem this idea could create. Lets play around and think of ideas where it would be comical to not have sports netting in play.  The sports netting market is completely underestimated and taken for granted. No one thinks what sports would be like without netting. We will explore a few sports that require netting and imagine the idea of it not having netting like the idea of nets never existed.  We will touch upon the major sports in the United States Market. 

sports nets
Imagine going to a baseball game in the stands and getting a seat right behind home plate.  Now picture your seat behind home plate with no net. You better pay attention to every pitch because the throw from the picture that can produce speeds of over 90 mph. I would not want to be a part of a ball deflected from the bat coming right at me. The backstop netting is essential. Now shift quickly to Hockey where the puck can travel just as fast or not faster. For years, fans sat behind the glass with no net above the boards to protect the crowd. After countless injuries, netting was implemented to every hockey arena and now it seems crazy that we waited so long for barrier netting to be installed. Another brilliant visual would be for basketball. Could you imagine going to a Pro or college basketball game and with every shot not knowing if it went in or not? The net allows for the visual of the ball going through the hope and when it doesn’t hit the rim it creates a whipping swoosh. From the upper decks of the arena to the corner seats of the arena, because of sports netting, the basketball fan can instantaneously see if the ball went through the hoop. 

barrier netting

As you can see sports netting is essential and vital. When was the last time you went to a sporting event and thanked god for protective netting? I can bet 98% of the fans in the arena don’t think twice about the importance of netting. It is the job of companies like Nets of America Inc. to protect and supply top notch netting at all times so the fan can feel secure in his/her seat and enjoy with passion the sporting event they came for. Next time you are in contact with a netting manufacturer, tell them thank you for what you do.

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Installation of Poles for Batting Cage Nets

When deciding on the netting to buy for your little league, high school or indoor facility, the important thing to consider the weight of the net. The importance of this cannot be underestimated or you will end up with an installation from hell. Make sure everything is in place and don’t rush for time unless you are looking for mistakes and problems.

The first thing to consider would be to identify the size of baseball batting cage you want to install. Next would be to calculate the weight on the batting cage of that size. Nets of America can help you at this link:
            After getting the weight info, make sure the poles you are using to hang up the custom baseball batting cages up are sturdy and thick enough to bear the weight. Depending on the height of the netting, make sure you have at least three feet in the ground surrounded with concrete. Allow the concrete to dry for a full day. The following day, run your cable and hardware then attach the nets. Depending on the job, expect three for four days on completion of the whole job. 

Baseball batting cage installation

          Baseball batting cage installation jobs seem like a breeze on paper but however on the contrary be prepared to put hard labor into it and get in the grind for a few days. At the end of the day, one must consider whether to do it yourself or pay the pros to complete the job for you. Contact us at Nets of America inc. for your next installation job. Our twelve years of doing countless netting installation jobs will prove a wise move in doing it right the first time.

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Why Color Netting?

Why do people go for color sports netting? I understand that maybe the customer prefers to match up the colors of the school, little league baseball or park but is that the logical thing to do. What most people don’t understand and what seems to be the obvious is that the color netting lasts for a little while until the sun get a hold of it. Lets explore. 

Its very true and appealing to the eye that color netting does look sharp and forceful.  Color netting whether it is blue, green, red or yellow stands out like a sore thumb and will be noticed from a distant. The luxury of having this color netting will cost you double the cost of normal black or white sports net.  Now ask your self this, is it worth spending the extra money on netting to match up colors when in reality the longevity of a net with color will be half the age of a black net. The brutality of the sun will eat into a color net within a year. No matter how much treatment you put on a color net, the sun will make it fade and the net will lose it shine or brilliance. Black sports netting however, will fight on against the sun and its elements due to the fact that not only can you add UV protection & weather treatment an extra application of 3% tar on the netting finish allows it to thrive for many more years. Tar, which is put on roofs of houses, is done so for a reason, so it is no doubt tested throughout the years. There is no possible way to add the tar finishing that we traditionally know it is black to red, green or blue colored sports netting. 

Black Golf Net
  Black netting does not stand out and tends to blend into the background. Need proof, next time you go to a football game or hockey game, check out the netting they use. Now ask yourself, is it worth paying double for an outdoor sports net that will fit an appearance but only last a few years versus a net that will blend into the background but last two or three times the lifespan of a colored net. The decision is easy on this side of the table but of course the customer must decide because the customer knows best.

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Cheap netting causes fan to get hit

The verdict is in. The lady who got struck with the ball behind home plate last June at the Nationals game was the victim of cheap quality netting. The question begins with why would the Nationals who are a profitable organization purchase netting to protect their fans from a cheap netting company who care not about quality money but selling anything just to turn a buck? Backstop netting should be made of 100% twisted knotted nylon. The incident that could have been really bad turned out to be ok due to luck. Her hand was covering her face and the ball luckily hit her shoulder.


After a few tears and an ice pack, she was left to reflect on how lucky she really was. Could you imagine getting hit in the head at speeds over 100 mph.The Nationals baseball organization dodged a bullet by going with an inferior company and with inferior netting. Being a major league outfit, cheap netting, especially plastic, should not be seen in stadiums trying to protect the fans.

If the nets were bought at a company that sells custom nylon netting, the net would have stopped this 10 out of 10 times. You cannot underestimate the durability and quality of nylon netting. Clothing, parachutes, carpets and flak vests are made of nylon so you know it is made to withstand force.  HDPE or poly netting is plastic and with the sun as an added element, the plastic eventually turns to brittle and breaks as you saw at the baseball game with just a little force over time. Do not allow your fans or the organization to become a victim of a potential hazardous situation like this one. Make sure you do your due diligence and research before you invest in netting for your facility. We make it easier for the customer by writing blogs about situations like these to try to minimize this happening to women, kids and men. 
custom nylon netting

For security reasons, shop no further than Nets of America Inc. We specialize in heavy duty, top of the line, 100% twisted knotted nylon netting with UV Protection and weather treatment. With years of experience in making custom sports netting and putting our nets through various tests, our breaking strength on the #36 Twisted nylon netting is 365 lbs. Call us for the best sports netting in the country and you will be astonished with the price you will get. We will not be beat.

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